The reunion takes place in Suburban Atlanta, GA and it depicts the life of Amber Marie Mulligan a professionally employed public school math teacher. Amber Marie and Alexander Roy Davis on the eve of their wedding day are faced with a catastrophic life changing event that ultimately separate the two amidst the joys of making wedding plans. The two face many challenges and disappointments together and they are given one last chance at happiness at an arranged meeting at the local coffee house where they had their first date; that is if Alex bothers to show up this time.
Author Tracey Conley Bray
A Love Like No Other
Amber Marie Mulligan a twenty-seven year old public school math teacher walks slowly toward the small but cozy coffee house. Suddenly, the wind changes directions and Amber Marie is overwhelmed by the rich and exotic aromas coming out of the coffee house. It has been a long week at work with the students testing and this year the district has decided to tie the teachers’ performance pay to the students test outcome. To say the least Amber Marie is beyond stressed, but tonight is special and Amber Marie is wonderfully excited, she quickens her pace as she wants to get to the coffee house before all of the other patrons arrive so that she can get their “special” table. She pauses for a brief moment before opening the door to the coffee house. She greets the host and the people working behind the counter and she nods to the performers who have already arrived. She then quickly makes her way to their table. It is a cold and brisk day outside but inside of the coffee house it is warm and cozy. Amber Marie sits and listens to the performers rehearse one last time before they take the stage to perform their piece tonight. After graduating from college Amber Marie immediately landed a teaching job at an elementary school. But before graduation she and Alex lived in coffee houses performing their powerful and social conscious political pieces. When she was onstage spitting her poetry she felt alive and invigorating, but nowadays all Amber Marie does is grade student papers and occasionally dabbles with her writings. She pushes past the memories because they are too painful; she recalls a time when she and Alex were going to change the world through their political spoken word pieces. But, she hasn’t seen Alex in three years. Alex needed more than a routine 9 to 5 job and their lives together had become routine and predictable. In college Amber Marie and Alex were inseparable they studied, worked and performed together. It was during their senior year in college that Alex asked Amber to marry him; shortly afterward Amber Marie found out that she was pregnant and while Amber Marie was happy, after all they would be getting married soon, but Alex was less than thrilled about becoming a father at such a young age. He had hoped to change the world with his young bride by his side. But, a baby would change everything. As hard as Alex tried he could not shake the feeling of uncertainty that had fallen upon him.